Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Today was a bit overcast. Didn't feel like doing much. Went to the big supermarket (Gigante Super!) with a friend who had to make a fruit salad for a party. Walked around the Tuesday market (imagine a GIANT social outdoor flea market where you can buy just about anything) then came back home. Worked a little on the "book". Contemplated a nap. Ah . . . the life when you aren't working!

By the way, I have conflicting stories as to the casualty count at the running of the bulls. I read about 50 people were injured and one is supposed to have died. Yikes! I took a couple movies with my little camera and caught one person getting tagged by a bull! At the end of the day the bulls were tired and confused but unharmed. Can't say the same about the runners.

Tomorrow is art class . . . more nudes I'm sure! Here is another bull picture for you.


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